Austin High School- 3500 Memphis Ave, El Paso TX, 79930

By Aaron Perez
Published 3/6/2025

    Image Copyright: El Paso ISD

    Founded in 1930, Austin High School is located in the central part of El Paso, and has been an influential institution in the city. Designed by Robert E. Mckee with Spanish inspired architecture in mind, the building has a distinct tower that can be seen for miles. Austin High School was known for lighting up the large A that is painted in the Franklin mountains when a major football game would be played in their stadium. 

Is this the vice principal of the ghost custodian performing his monitoring duties from beyond the grave?

Copyright: Ghost915 El Paso del Norte Paranormal Society

    While it may not be as deeply documented as El Paso High School, it certainly has its own share of mysteries and ghost stories. From phantom cheerleaders to strange vice principals, the halls of Austin High School are rumored to be haunted by many uneasy spirits. As mentioned earlier, the school is said to be haunted by a former vice principal who died some decades ago and has been seen walking the halls he loved.  This specter has also been witnessed moving objects, with its most famous being a metal folding chair that he threw down the hall. 

    One particular spirit is said to haunt the tower that overlooks the school, and her screams are heard in the darkest parts of night. Like in El Paso High, this spirit is said to be that of a cheerleader, though the version I heard is that her first name was Claudia. There have also been at least two versions of the story, one which involves Claudia being bullied to the point of suicide by a cruel teacher. The other version, like in El Paso High School, involves a dispute with a boyfriend which ended in her untimely death. The spirit is said to haunt the tower and she can be seen late at night screaming as she falls down, repeating the same act that led to her death. 

The haunted tower of Austin High School.
Copyright: Elpasorip79930

   These are not the only specters in the school as the spirit of a little girl is reported to haunt the main stairwell of the school. Its restrooms are said to have a presence that leaves people to believe that someone is constantly watching them. Another spirit of a custodian has been spotted by students late at night, and either he or the vice principal have been spotted on camera by the El Paso del Norte Paranormal Society, or better known as Ghost 915. Police have even responded to break-ins only to find out that no one is in the building at late night hours. They also reported that they could hear disembodied voices and even a light fixture from the ceiling falling in front of them. When they reported the incident, custodians went to clean the area only to find no broken light fixtures there. Police dogs also avoid certain parts of the building and would whimper as if something were scaring them from the inside. This points to something more sinister haunting the building, since animals are said to detect the evils of anything and anyone. 


    “Austin High Tower Legend.” Youtube, 27 July 2007, Accessed 24 May 2024.

    Hudnall, Ken, and Connie Wang. Spirits of the Border: The History and Mystery of El Paso Del Norte. Omega Press, 2003.

    “7 Paranormal Activities that Keep Occuring at Austin High School.” 93.1 Kiss.FM, 93.1 Kiss.FM, 30 September 2021, Accessed 6 March 2025.


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